Alex in South Africa, on behalf of #UKPACT, for the third time this year.
Earlier this week, the Green Hydrogen Conference in Cape Town took place.
It is a pivotal event that assembled global thinkers, investors and innovators from diverse industries and sectors around emerging technologies and solutions. The conference is the result of a programme of work that started many years ago with the Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) programme initiated by the now Department of Science and Innovation and approved by the Cabinet in May 2007.
In parallel to this conference, greenCrowd's Alex had the pleasure of meeting the change-makers involved in the Energy Secretariat, as well as the heads of the SANEDI flagship programmes: Coal CO2-X; Energy Storage; HySA, and Renewable Sustainable Energy (RSE) Hub and Spokes.
Engaging with this inspiring community in South Africa reinforces our mission to contribute substantively to the global innovation landscape.
We look forward to working alongside Jessica Ocampos, Ph.D., and the wonderful people at the DSI, SANEDI, and Energy Secretariat on developing a conducive platform for the growth and development of innovative solutions.